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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Hi! This is my first entry for week #1.
I chose the template because I liked the colors. I wanted to have a clean and crisp interface for my blog. I am excited to get in the hang of blogging and use it for my floral business.


  1. Hi Angie,
    I love the colors in this template as well, purple is my favorite color! I love, love, love floral design! I envy that you get to work with flowers for a living!!!!
    I look forward to working with you this summer!

  2. Hi Angie,
    I've always like this color combination too….feminine with the lavender? but "grounded" with the brown.
    It is wonderful that you have found your passion. It would be great if you put some photographs of your designs on this blog! It has been a while since I've done it but I think once you do it a few times, it will be easy….Your business is so "visual" that photographs of your previous work could be very powerful!

    I'll look forward to seeing them..

    Kind regards,


  3. Hi agin Angie…this is an AMAZING coincidence!!!!! I know Reneta Amazonas…in fact she took the photograph that is on my blog. I am in love with her work!
