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Friday, May 15, 2015

Week 14: More Social Strategy, Part 2

I really think my business relies heavily on social media. I think that its important that I spend at least an hour or two on it, fine tuning, and not getting distracted (nothing like getting sucked into the black hole of going down your feed on Facebook, twitter, or instagram!) :)

My strategy is to continue posting twice a day once in the morning between 6am-10am and in the evening 5:30pm-10 pm. I also have found an app called "Auto Liker" that allows you to type in a hashtag that you wish you "look through" and it will like each recent pictures found inside the hashtag on Instagram. This has been really helpful to me when I don't always have to time to go through people's feeds and like their pictures, in order to spread the word about my business. I use hashtags related to my business: #sandiego #sandiegoflorist #flowers #peonies #roses #weddingflowers .. etc. etc. If I can do this once a day, I can continue to expose my business to people who would be interested in my service/product. 
I also plan on starting a blog. Since it is the beginning of wedding season (and with June-October already booked!) I really would like to give my readers an inside scoop on how wedding prep and set up goes. I would post these on Mondays or Tuesdays (usually the days I don't have flowers everywhere!). This would be a great way to engage our followers on all other social media platforms to see a little insider on our business. I am choosing this avenue because I want to be personable with my audience, and for them to feel like they are part of the process :) I plan on creating at some point a tutorial blog on how to create a great arrangement. I want to be the go-to florist on design and for being down-to-earth! 

I think that making sure I post unique posts on Twitter and Facebook (rather than simultaneously posting on all avenues through instagram) would help me keep my followers engaged on these platforms and hopefully build more followers. I want to be more specific. I want to make it not so much a secondary platform and spend time liking content and following related users/businesses to boost my credibility. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG Your so funny. You too must be a twin. I get lost when I go to Facebook for business marketing purposes. I decided to get rid of the personal page, back in October, because having 2 FB sites was overwhelming and there was too much cross over. This will allow me to focus on the other platforms.
    Has Tags are a great idea for posts. Thanks for the tip! :-)
    You make a lot of valid points in your blog!
